Chapter I

The Commodity-Machine

Sustaining the unsustainable

In Design and Crime, Hal Foster claims that we live in a total design; that design has become so prevalent and central that “it can no longer be considered a secondary industry. Perhaps we should speak of a ‘political economy of design’” (22). Following his suggestion, this chapter provides a critical introduction to the political economy of design, by developing “commodity-machine” as an analytical tool on which to ground a critical exploration into design cultures and the social and economic relations that condition them. Foster uses the expression “commodity-machine” in the same design-critical essay when questioning the generalised unsustainability of this “contemporary inflation of design”:

What happens when this commodity-machine —now conveniently located out of the view of most of us— breaks down, as environments give out, markets crash, and/or sweat-shop workers scattered across the globe somehow refuse to go on? (21)